Important notice:

20 Sept 2018 - Upgraded Bitecoin to v0.16.3. Protects against double spend crash.

1 Dec 2017 - Moved I/O intensive files to NVMe and optimized Python, lower latency, hopefully better payouts.

2 Nov 2017 - Upgraded to new hardware, lower latency connection and IPv6 support.

This pool will set the difficulty target based on the hashrate of the address and not globally based on the node's hashrate. This should help smaller miners with larger miners on this node, but it is not a guarantee. For more information, see


CgMiner configuration: "cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u Your_BTC_PayoutAddress -p x --expiry 1 --scan-time 1 --queue 0"


Local rate: Shares:
Global pool rate: Share difficulty:
Current block value: Expected time to share:
Payout if a block were found NOW: Expected time to block:
Node peers: / Node uptime:
Node p2pool version: Protocol version:
Node fee: Node donation:

Active miners on this node

Bitcoin Address Hashrate DOA Hashrate DOA % Predicted payout

Recent blocks

Date/Time Number Hash Confirmations